Detour #07: California 33, USA
California 33 is a throwback to the 1950s. A time when roads had no guard rails. When the route flowed with the land rather than being blasted through i
It's a 170-mile road trip back in time that begins in the small town of Ojai, with its art galleries and New Age vibes.
Leaving civilisation behind Route 33 hugs the side of the Transverse Ranges, climbing to 1,600 metres and offering views at every turn.
And, yes, despite being in the USA, there are indeed turns – more than 100 of them to entice and excite along the way.
Out of the mountains you descend into oil country, but there's little sign of life since Interstate 5 took all the traffic away. In fact the whole drive would be a lonely one if it wasn’t for the beauty of the barren landscape and the road’s engaging curves.
That said you’re pretty far from help if something should go wrong out here, and at mile 121 there’s a sobering reminder of what could happen.
At Blackwell's Corner there are tributes to Hollywood legend James Dean whose life was tragically cut short after making a stop for fuel at this lonely gas station on 30 September 195. Dean was driving rapidly along nearby Route 466 to the Salinas sports car races to take part in his 'Little Bastard' Porsche Spyder when student Donald Turnupseed swerved across his path in a Ford Tudor. The impact killed Dean instantly.
You’ll find a giant cutout of the Rebel Without a Cause actor pointing to the fuel pumps and the chance to pick up sweet treats from the East of Eden Fudge Factory.
After paying your respects, and filling up car and driver it’s back into the wilderness until California 33 ends at Coalinga where you can rejoin the modern world at the interstate. But why would you want to?
Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Peter Dawson @peterdawsonphoto

Class: Forest, canyon, high desert
Name: Route 33
Route: Ojai to Coalinga
Country: USA
Distance: 169 miles