Detour #17: Flüela Pass, Switzerland
Davos - Europe's highest city - is gateway to the fabulous Flüela Pass and many more beyond. When the winter sports crowd (and the economists) have gone then Davos becomes a destination for drivers.
Entry to the Flüela Pass is just outside of town. The landscape is rugged, craggy and littered with rocks. The road itself is smooth, mixing gently winding flat sequences with hairpins in pairs or threes to provide a quick change in elevation.
This road’s heady mix of fast and slow bends, long straights, dips and climbs makes it a challenge in any car - especially the 1969 Alfa Giulia that Detour last drove there.
The road’s peak is marked at 2,383m by Schottensee lake, and then it begins to drop down to Susch through forest and valley and continues onwards towards a destination with not just a higher altitude, but also high expectations - the Stelvio Pass. But before you break for the border consider the Julier and Albuela passes which tend to be less busy, but no less entertaining.
Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Nathan Morgan @misterblod

Class: Mountain Pass
Name: Route 28 Fluelastrasse
Route: Davos to Susch
Country: Switzerland
Distance: 17 miles