Detour #04: The Rubicon Trail, USA
The Rubicon Trail is hallowed ground for off-road enthusiasts. It’s a rock-crawling, axle-twisting grind through the High Sierras that challenges - and often destroys - thousands of 4x4s and their drivers every year.
Situated above Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border it takes you through some of the most breathtaking scenery, but the truth is it’s the fear of falling over the extreme drops that had Detour struggling for breath when we wrangled a Jeep Wrangler over the route as part of the annual Jeepers’ Jamboree..
The route runs approximately 22 miles from Wentworth Springs to Rubicon Springs and, realistically, it’s a two-day trip, with an overnight camp. Such is the painstaking pace required to pass over its rugged terrain.
Camaraderie along the trail can’t be beaten. Fellow 4x4 fans are always eager to help out with advice on tackling the most treacherous sections such as Walker Hill and the frankly not-so Little Sluice.
There are a number of different paths to take depending on your bravery, talent and vehicle. You’ll see everything from Husqvarna dirt bikes to monster trucks and Range Rovers along the way.
Local companies offer vehicle hire and guides and 4x4 clubs visit day in, day out. Amazingly the trail is open 365 days a year.
It took Detour days to clean out the dust from assorted crevices after tackling the trail in a Jeep Wrangler, with its doors removed and windscreen folded down, we can’t image how tricky it would be in the winter.
Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Rumor Riot / Unsplash

Class: Off-Road, Mountain Pass
Name: The Rubicon Trail
Route: Wentworth Springs to Rubicon Springs
Country: USA
Distance: 22 miles
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