Detour Pit Stop #48: Brooklands Museum, Surrey, UK
Ford GT40 on display at Brooklands Photo Shutterstock
‘The right crowd and no crowding’. That may sound like the perfect covid-friendly slogan, but it’s one Brooklands has coined since the 1930s.
The world’s first dedicated motor racing circuit was built in 1907, hosting the pioneers of motor sport who soon found themselves lapping the steeply-banked track at beyond 100mph. It was between the wars when Brooklands really had its heyday with the likes of Count Louis Zborowski, Henry Seagrave, John Cobb, Henry ‘Tim’ Birkin and Malcolm Campbell all taking their lives in their hands on the Surrey circuit.
World War II put a stop to the sport and the track fell into disrepair. Today only a small portion of the crumbling banking is still in place, and as you scramble up to the top it’s hard to imagine how the daredevil racers of the past achieves such high speeds.
The crumbling banking Photo Shutterstock
And, while the remains of the track itself is a highlight, the rest of the Brooklands Museum is not to be missed. In the sheds you’ll find a fabulous collection of road and racing cars and motorcycles. Commemorating its place as an airbase is the flight shed with a range of historic aircraft and on the tarmac you’ll also find the most iconic jet airliner of the 20th century – Concorde.
Brooklands plays frequent host to car clubs of all sizes and is always a grand day out. With the right crowd and no crowding, of course.