Detour Pit Stop #04: Prada Desert Store, USA


If you're desperately in need of a fancy handbag or shoes don't stop at the Prada store on Highway 90 just outside Marfa, Texas.

A more recent addition to the desert than the Cadillac Ranch, it's actually an art installation designed as a criticism of consumerism and luxury branding by artists Elmgreen and Dragset. The store's door doesn't open and the goods inside are useless - the original items were stolen on the night the installation opened. Although the plan was for the store to gradually decay in the desert it's had to be restored several times due to vandalism. Makes for an ironic Instagram post, doesn't it?

Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Robin Benzrihem / Unsplash


  • Class: Street art

  • Name: Prada Desert Store

  • Route: Near Valentine, Texas

  • Country: USA


Detour #10: Dades Gorge, Morocco


Cars and coffee tables