Celebrating the Detourists of 2023
2023 has truly been a landmark year for automotive adventures. Bold Detourists have, quite literally, driven to the ends of the earth.
The South Pole is the goal for rally driver Renée Brinkerhoff
American adventurer Renée Brinkerhoff has driven her 1956 Porsche 356A on seven continents and raised nearly one million dollars for charity and now she wants to set a new world record.
Alex Bescoby, Adventurer
Filmmaker Alex Bescoby drove 13,000 miles in a 64-year-old Land-Rover from Singapore to London, to recreate one of the world’s most famous overland adventures.
5 Ultimate Expedition Vehicles
As the esteemed Dr Emmett Brown once said: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!” If that’s your idea of the most awesome automotive adventure then you’ll probably want to go fully off-grid as well as off-road when you hit the trail. Here are five fantastic vehicles that are mission-ready.