Detour #13: Grossglockner High Alpine Road, Austria

Even before you get to the toll for the Grossglockner High Alpine Road, in west Austria, you know you're on to a good thing. The numerous motorsport themed hotels and restaurants see to that.

Pay the €36.50 fee to enter this automotive theme park, which offers a rollercoaster ride to the highest view in Austria and spend the day making the most of this incredible road. The Grossglockner was built in the heart of Hohe Tauern National Park, solely with tourism in mind. Actually, make that driving in mind.

The engineers who blasted this road out of the Austrian mountainside clearly loved to drive. Yes, there are hairpins, but they’re wide and open. There are passing places aplenty and long, long bends where you feel the car working, loading its suspension and steering, encouraging you to come at them again and again.

Make sure you drive every single one of the Grossglockner’s 30 kilometres. Take in the two tunnels where you won’t be able to help downshifting a gear or two to hear your engine sing. You’ll be singing the praises of the Grossglockner for years to come.

Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Peter Jan Rijpkema / Unsplash


  • Class: Mountain Pass

  • Name: Grossglockner High Alpine Road

  • Route: Bruck to Heiligenblut

  • Country: Austria

  • Distance: 30 miles

  • Find out more


Detour Pit Stop #05: Caffeine and Machine, The Hill, UK


Changing gears for Dad