Detour #36: Cheddar Gorge, UK

It might sound a bit cheesy, but the B3135 between Cheddar and Wells offers some of the most gorgeous views in Somerset.

Right, now that we’ve got the puns out of the way, let’s have a closer look at Cliff Road which cuts through the incredible Cheddar Gorge.

Firstly, this is no longer a road to tackle at speed, to test your car or your skills. Since 2017 there has been a 30mph limit to discourage ‘anti-social driving’. It seems that the combination of curves on the finest four-mile section of the road proved too much for the hoons and local residents and rozzers grew tired of speeding and drifting through the gorge.

So wind your windows down and the throttle back as you head east from Cheddar. Look up in wonder at the sheer limestone rock face rising 450 feet above, as its colours shift with the light. Then enjoy dipping and rising through the Mendip Hills until you reach Wells.

And then turn round and retrace your wheel tracks for a completely different perspective on Somerset’s most picturesque road. You’ll soon be back in Cheddar in time for a toastie or two.

Words Nik Berg Twitter | Instagram
Photography Thomas Tucker / Ryan Searle / Unsplash


  • Class: Gorgeous views

  • Name: Cheddar Gorge

  • Route: B3135 Cheddar to Wells, Somerset

  • Country: UK

  • Distance: 18 miles


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