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British Couple Set Two-up, Two-Wheel Round-the-World Record

Ollie Gamblin and Lavi Scholl have just set a new Guinness World Record for circumnavigating the globe on a motorcycle.

The British couple are officially the Youngest Pair to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle (Riding Pillion) having crossed 39 countries on their way to the record books, taking 20 months to complete the journey on a Suzuki V-Strom 1050XT.

Their epic road trip began at the Ace Cafe in London from where they headed south through France and Spain and then crossing to Morocco. In Africa they rode through Mauritania to Senegal and shipped the bike to Brazil. The South American leg of the adventure saw Gamblin and Scholl pass through Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. The bike had to be shipped to Panama as the Darien Gap remains impassable, and from there it was into the USA. A Detour to Las Vegas saw the couple get married, and then they carried on north into Canada.

The bike was shipped again to South Korea and then Russia and the newlyweds rode through Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kygyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. The final leg was a run up through Europe and back to the UK.

“The idea for a Guinness World Record came after a friend of ours attempted to become the Youngest Male to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle, an already established record. We sent an email asking if we could create a team record under the same criteria. They accepted it under the title Youngest Pair to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle (Riding Pillion),” Scholl told Visordown.

The duo planned their route through countries that did not require a carnet, to make border crossing easier, speeding them to the record.

“If I had to pick one country that stood out, Mongolia really surprised us. The landscapes are vast and incredible and there are herds of animals just running around everywhere and locals living in gers. It was absolutely beautiful,” said Scholl.

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