Two Vagabonds from South Africa are Driving their Battered Benz ‘Home’ to Germany
Best mates Kobus Esterhuizen and Marius Burger Lourens are driving from Cape Town to Europe in a car that not many, if any, others have used for this trip.
32 countries and counting in an AMG V8
Meet the French couple who have driven their monster Mercedes all over Europe.
These Two Women and a Merc are heading overland across Africa
Two Women & A Merc sounds like a good name for a reality-based web series, but instead it’s the chosen title for the trip of a lifetime for two virtual strangers embarking on an overland African Adventure.
Watch Sir Stirling Moss's mighty Mercedes 300SLR go for a last blast in London
Before retiring to the Mercedes-Benz museum in Stuttgart, the mind-blowing 1955 Mille Miglia-winning 300SLR driven by Sir Stirling Moss and Denis Jenkinson went on a whistle-stop tour of London.
Touching 200mph on the road
Today there are no end of supercars that can top the double ton, but back in the 1990s there were only a handful of machines that could reach 200mph. And getting to that magic mark wasn’t easy.
Detour #91: Rendezvous in Paris, France
Claude Lelouch’s dawn dash across Paris has become movie and automotive legend. Gavin Conway attempted the devil-may-care drive himself.
Drive it like you sold it: 6 epic car commercial locations
Today’s car commercials are computer-generated fantasies, blandly mindful of not upsetting the ad authorities but only a few years ago they were memorable mini movies that would sell, sell, sell.